Being a part of any Christian community means more than just Sunday worship!
There are many ways for you to be involved.
Get Involved
Here are some of the ways you can be involved at the Cathedral.
If you are interested in something but do not see it listed, then contact us and suggest it to us!
Children & Youth
We offer a Sunday School programme during the 11 a.m. service most Sundays from September to May. Children attending our Sunday School are usually engaged in "Story and Play," related to Bible stories and themes. Older children are offered more opportunity for discussion around the stories presented. We also have a Children's Area in the Nave, with a wonderful selection of books and activities for children of all ages. This area is especially useful during Sundays when there is no Sunday School, or for children who would rather stay upstairs during the service.
Events and activities for young people are held at various times throughout the year. These have included the Block Party, Halloween in the Crypt, The Christmas Party and Blessing of the Creche service, the Mothering Sunday service, a Ukranian Egg Painting Workshop, a Spring Picnic, and regular inclusion in worship with their families.
Confirmation Classes are held every second year, with sessions running from the Fall to late Spring. Please Contact Us for more information!
Emmaus House Food Bank
In conjunction with St. Thomas' Anglican Church and The Roman Catholic Basilica, we operate the Emmaus House food bank. This food bank serves more than 400 families each month. At Christmas, we coordinate with Emmaus House to distribute hampers to neighbourhood families.
Please let us know if you would like to join the team of volunteers at Emmaus House.
There are many oportunities to assist with Hospitality at the Cathedral:
Cooking, baking, brewing, serving, or simply being present!
Please let us know if you would like to be involved in our Ministry of Hospitality.
Music Ministry
Do you sing? Or play an instrument? Maybe there is a way you can share your gifts through the Music Ministry at the Cathedral?
If you are interested in finding out more, please Visit out Music Page or contact our Musical Director, Sharon Whalen.
Tour Guides
The Guild of St. Elizabeth provides tours of the Cathedral during the Summer months, and by appointment throughout the year. They are always looking for more volunteers with a passion for history, architecture, or meeting people from around the world.
Contact us if you would like to be a Tour Guide at our Cathedral.
Servers' Guild and Altar Guild
Few people know the amount of work which happens behind the scenes to prepare for worship at our Cathedral, but the Altar Guild and the Servers have a better idea than most! The Servers assist at the Sunday Services: from assisting the priest at the altar to carrying the processional cross for the high feast days, there are many duties for servers in our regular liturgy.
The Altar Guild are the real behind-the-scenes workers of our Cathedral. From sewing and flower arranging, to cleaning and polishing, to decorating the Cathedral for Feast Days and Special Occasions, the Altar Guild is always active and ready to help.
Please Contact Us if you are interested in being a member of the Servers' Guild or the Altar Guild.
Eucharistic Assistants and Readers
The word Liturgy comes from the Latin for "work of the people," it is therefore important to have as many people as we can assist with the regular worship at the Cathedral. Eucharistic Assistants and Readers fulfill two vital roles of the laity at worship. The Eucharistic Assistants help to administer the cup during the Eucharist, and the Readers read the lessons at our services.
If you would like to be involved in our Liturgy in this way, please Contact us.
Stewards & Sidespeople
When people come to worship at our Cathedral, they are usually greeted by one of our Sidespeople, who will welcome them, provide them with the books or bulletins that they need, and answer any questions they might have. Their role is essential and important in welcoming people to our Cathedral!
The Stewards have a different ministry, as they are responsible for counting and keeping record of the collection from the congregation.
If you would like to be involved as a Sidesperson or Steward, please Contact us.
The Women's Home Mission Association (W.H.M.A.), which celebrates its 140th anniversary in 2020, is believed to be the oldest continuing organization in the parish. The W.H.M.A. was founded in 1880 by Archdeacon Botwood to help further missionary work within the Diocese. The object of the W.H.M.A at that time was to support a missionary at Battle Harbour in Labrador. The W.H.M.A. would raise money annually for the missionary's stipend and support other similar missionary work as approved.
Over time, their mission has evolved to include support for: the Altar Guild; Emmaus House Food Bank; the Ministry to the Deaf; the Parish of Battle Harbour; the Primate's World Relief and Development Fund; Queen's College; Sleeping Children Around the World; and scholarships for university students from Labrador.
The Anglican Chuch Women (ACW) does not have regular meetings anymore, but they still play an active role in parish life, and meet for a couple of special occasions during the year.
If you would like to know more about the W.H.M.A or ACW, please Contact us.