Lent and Easter
at the Cathedral
Lent and Easter
at the Cathedral
Lent begins Wednesday,
5 March.
Sunday Mornings in Lent
9 March, 1st Sunday in Lent: 11 a.m. BCP Choral Eucharist and Great Litany in Procession.
16 March, 2nd Sunday in Lent: 11 a.m. Irish Liturgy Choral Eucharist
23 March, 3rd Sunday in Lent: 11 a.m. BCP Choral Eucharist
30 March, 4th Sunday in Lent - Mothering Sunday:
9 a.m. BCP Holy Eucharist (said, in-person only)
11 a.m. Mothering Sunday Children's Service
6 April, Passion Sunday: 11 a.m. BCP Choral Eucharist
13 April, Palm Sunday: 11 a.m. BCP Choral Eucharist and Blessing of the Palms.
Wednesdays in Lent
Ash Wednesday, 5 March: 7 p.m. BCP Choral Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes.
Compline during Lent will be Live-streamed on-line only. This will not be an in-person service.
12 March: 7 p.m. BCP Sung Compline (On-line only)
19 March: 7 p.m. BCP Sung Compline (On-line only)
26 March: 7 p.m. BCP Sung Compline (On-line only)
2 April: 7 p.m. BCP Sung Compline (On-line only)
9 April: 7 p.m. BCP Sung Compline (On-line only)
Holy Week
Holy Wednesday, 16 April: 7 p.m. Tenebrae (Service of Shadows)
Maundy Thursday, 17 April:
10:30 a.m. Maundy Thursday Renewal of Ordination Vows
and Blessing of the Oils
7 p.m. Institution of the Lord's Supper and
Stripping of the Altar
Good Friday, 18 April:
10 a.m. Stations of the Cross Family Service
1 p.m. Celebration of the Lord's Passion
Easter Day, 20 April: 11 a.m. BCP Choral Eucharist celebrating the Resurrection of Our Lord
Lenten Book Study
At 4 p.m. each Sunday in Lent, starting March 9th, we will be taking a virtual journey to the holy land, with the guidance of the Very Rev’d Canon Richard Sewell, Dean of St. George’s College in Jerusalem, using his book and the accompanying videos and study questions, as our guide.
Please contact the Dean (Roger@ourcathedral.ca) for more information or to sign up for the Book Study.